GREETINGS!...WELCOME!..I'm your Angel of the Airwaves-'Angel Naphtalie'.

What is the 13th tribe of the Tribes of Israel?

MassPyke Productions & Friends-Ghetto People Music

Angel recommends this band!...Love the Music!..buy today in the player or go to myspace.com or reverbnation.com

Cherine Anderson on ReverbNation.com


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hot Like Fire shows-featuring 'Kelly B' at the Rhino Bar, Newport, R.I.

We have several short clips of the 'Hot like Fire-Jah Army band', featuring the lead singer, horn player, and rythem keys, and leader of the band. We will also feature some of the respected male guest artists that come through, like 'Jr. Jazz', 'Fitz Niceness', 'Dion Knibbs', 'and the man called-'Jubliant'. There are some great singers who join Kelly B. so watch for them. Here is Kelly B with one of her favorite orginal songs. Enjoy! Produced by: Angel Naphtalie Aiguier 'A Naphtalie-Angel 7 Production' copyright: June 2007/all rights reserved.

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